
Sep 23, 20191 min

Senator Frett-Gregory Responds to Inquiry Regarding Contributions from Epstein

The Office of Senator Donna Frett-Gregory has received several inquiries regarding whether she received campaign contributions from Jeffery Epstein. The Senator requested that her campaign treasurer look into the contributions received.

A review of the records revealed that the campaign did not receive a contribution from Mr. Epstein in his own name. However, the campaign received a $1,000 contribution in 2018 from Southern Trust Co., a beneficiary of the Virgin Islands Economic Development Commission (EDC), one of Mr. Epstein’s companies.

“EDC companies go through a very rigorous vetting and investigative process before they are awarded benefits. So, I felt comfortable accepting a contribution from an EDC company because I knew that they had been thoroughly screened. I also knew that they are legally required to donate to the community,” Gregory added. Beyond this contribution, the senator is in no way affiliated with Mr. Epstein.

Frett-Gregory said, “It’s not unusual for companies to donate to political campaigns here in the territory and in the future, campaign donations will be reviewed with even further scrutiny.” The Senator added, “Rather than give the money back to the company, I have decided to give it to the people who needed it most—youth within our community.”

The Senator emphatically stated, “I in no way support the conduct of Mr. Epstein and the recent allegations against him. And further, I will not knowingly affiliate with anyone who behaves in such an abhorrent manner.”

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Wean Farrell

Chief of Staff

Office of Senator Donna A. Frett-Gregory
