As your representative, I will remain focused on crafting legislation to address your needs. I plan to:
Focus on supporting needs of small businesses and identifying new industries to diversify economy and produce more jobs
Continue to move legislation that supports education reform ensuring that our students are provided with the best educational opportunities
Collaborate with Territory leaders to address the solvency of GERS by identifying new revenue streams and addressing the required structural changes
Sponsor legislation that address palliative care homes for the elderly
Fight for affordable, high-quality healthcare services for all Virgin Islanders
About Donna

Donna Frett-Gregory was elected in 2018 to serve as a senator in the 33rd legislature and is the current chair of the Committee on Education & Workforce Development. She is a proud Virgin Islander, born to a Kittian mother and St. Thomian father, and grew up in the Hospital Ground and Donoe communities. She holds a Master of Business Administration from Western Governors University, Master of Arts in Public Administration from the University of the Virgin Islands (UVI) and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from Morgan State University. Donna has served in several high-level government positions, to include Commissioner of the Department of Education and Chief Financial Officer of the VI Port Authority.
She takes her responsibility as your senator very seriously, rarely missing senatorial meetings, and constantly keeping in touch with residents through neighborhood town halls, phone calls, zoom meetings, and the likes. Donna is a fierce advocate for matters close to her heart and deeply believes in an inclusive Virgin Islands. One where everyone feels welcomed and can make a respectable living for themselves and their families. A Virgin Islands for all—not just a few.
Vote #7